  • Rahul
  • Newbie Topic Starter

I have downloaded the iGrid demo and have been playing around with it. My company is sick of the MSCOMCTL.OCX updates since every update seems to break any app with listviews.
However I'm stuck in my code since I just can't figure out how to pass an iGrid to a function/sub. It's bizarre that it's not working.

I have 9 listviews on my form (and hence will have 9 iGrids). It's imperative that I be able to pass an iGrid around else it will be a nightmare writing repetitive code.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do (just doing an initial setup - adding columns and setting some properties for all iGrids). However I always get a type mismatch error.
If I try something like
Dim ig as iGrid
Set ig = igAuds
that also fails.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
  SetupIgrid igAuds, "File Name;140;Database ID;0;Computer;100;Workbook;100;UnitID;0"
End Sub

Sub SetupIgrid(ig As iGrid, columns As String)
  ig.RowMode = True
  ig.MultiSelect = True
  ig.Appearance = igAppearanceFlat
  ig.Editable = False
  Dim i As Byte
  Dim values: values = Split(columns, ";")
  For i = 0 To UBound(values) Step 2
    ig.AddCol sHeader:=values(i), lWidth:=values(i + 1), bVisible:=IIf(values(i + 1) > 0, True, False)
End Sub
This feature definitely works in "big" VB (VB6), but it seems in VBA there is no way to make it working.

If you search the Internet, you'll find a lot of mentions of this problems, for example:

re: VBA Problem - Passing a TextBox Object as a parameter

VBA - Create an instance of a class and pass it to a function - how?

So, as you can see, this is not a problem of iGrid itself - something is wrong inside MS Office VBA.

I've tried these recipes, and all other methods I know, but nothing helped. Even such undocumented techniques like passing object Long pointers from one sub to another (we can get with the VB ObjPtr() func and convert them back to real object using the WinAPI CopyMemory call).

If you'll find a solution, or someone else knows how to do that - post this info here, please.
  • Rahul
  • Newbie Topic Starter

Thanks for your reply. I created a brand new project, added a button and an iGrid to it but had the same issue with it as soon as the SetupIgrid subroutine was called. I have emailed that very same code to the email address contact@10Tec.com

As I've mentioned in the email, oddly enough it works fine if in the input to the sub, ig is declared as variant

So, if I had
Sub SetupIgrid(ig, columns As String)
instead of
Sub SetupIgrid(ig As iGrid, columns As String)

it works fine, but ofcourse I lose intellisense.

Any help you can offer will be appreciated.
Hi Rahul,

in MS Access you can do this very easy with the following function

Public Sub SetupIgrid (s_Name As String, s_Grid As String, columns As String )
  dim i as byte
  With Forms(s_Name).Controls(s_Grid)
    .Clear bRemoveCols:=True
    .FocusRect = False
    .Editable = False
    .DefaultAutoGroupRowExpanded = False
    .PrefixGroupValues = False
    .Header.SortIconStyle = igSortIconSolid
    .Header.SolidSortIconColor = rgb(225, 68, 0)
    Dim values: values = Split(columns, ";")
    For i = 0 To UBound(values) Step 2
    .AddCol sHeader:=values(i), lWidth:=values(i + 1), bVisible:=IIf(values(i + 1) > 0, True, False)
  End With
End Sub

In a form you call the function like this:

SetupIgrid me.name, igAuds, "File Name;140;Database ID;0;Computer;100;Workbook;100;UnitID;0"

Hope this help
A more general solution is to create a table (or an ini File), where you store all your settings


DATASOURCE	AS STRING = the name of the table, view, ...
DB_FIELDNAME AS STRING = the name of the database field
DB_DATATYPE AS STRING =  the type of the database field (number, boool, string, ....)
IG_HEADER_TEXT AS STRING = The headertext for the column
IG_HEADER_WIDTH AS NUMBER = the width of the column
IG_SORT_ORDER AS NUMBER = the default sort order
IG_COL_VISIBLE AS NUMBER (0,1) = is the column visible?
IG_E_ALLIGN_H AS NUMBER = allignment of the column
IG_COL_TAG AS STRING = optional tag
IG_FORMAT_STRING AS STRING = optional format string, maybe "0
IG_COLUMN_ORDER AS NUMBER = in which order do you want to display the columns

You can call the function from a form with

Private Sub Form_Load()
dim p_Sql as string
p_Sql = " select * from myInitable where datasource = 'myDataSource' order by ig_column_order"
gf_SetupColumns "myFormName","myIgrid",p_Sql)

End Sub

Public Function gf_SetupColumns(s_Form As String, s_Control As String, s_Source As String)

  Dim m_RS As ADODB.Recordset
  Dim m_DBConnection As ADODB.Connection 
  Set m_RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  Set m_DBConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  Set m_DBConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
  With Forms(s_Form).Controls(s_Control)
    m_RS.Open s_Source, m_DBConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    If Not (m_RS.EOF And m_RS.BOF) Then
        ' add a column
        With .AddCol(sKey:=m_RS!DB_FIELDNAME, _
                     sHeader:=m_RS!IG_HEADER_TEXT, _
                     lWidth:=m_RS!IG_HEADER_WIDTH, _
                     eSortOrderDefault:=m_RS!IG_SORT_ORDER, _
                     bvisible:=m_RS!IG_COL_VISIBLE, _
                     vtag:=m_RS!IG_TAG _
        ' do something special for datatypes
          If m_RS!DB_DATATYPE = "BOOL" Then
            .bCheckVisible = True
            .eCheckState = igCheckStateUnchecked
            .eCheckPos = igCheckPosCenter
            .eTypeFlags = igCheckBoxFlat
            .eType = m_RS!IG_E_CELLTYP
            .eAlignH = m_RS!IG_E_ALLIGN_H
          End If
          ' apply formatstring if available 
          If Len(m_RS!IG_FORMAT_STRING & "") > 0 Then
            .sFmtString = m_RS!IG_FORMAT_STRING
          End If
        End With
      Loop Until m_RS.EOF
    End If
  End With
  Set m_RS = Nothing
End Function
Here is the discussion of this problem we initiated on stackoverflow, but still there is no good solution:


The problem is deep inside MS Excel VBA, and this stackoverflow thread mentions an "Extender" object which causes the problem. This is a general issue for all ActiveX controls, not only for iGrid. Unfortunately, it seems, we will never find a solution for the topic problem because of this wrapper stuff in VBA.
Can pass it as a Control. Obviously no intelli-sense for design unless you write the code with it as an iGrid and change it once your happy to a control.

Seems to me, iGrid would need to hold its data in something like an iGridObject, so this could be passed rather than the control itself. Seems happy enough with CellObject etc.

Originally Posted by: Rahul 

I have downloaded the iGrid demo and have been playing around with it. My company is sick of the MSCOMCTL.OCX updates since every update seems to break any app with listviews.
However I'm stuck in my code since I just can't figure out how to pass an iGrid to a function/sub. It's bizarre that it's not working.

I have 9 listviews on my form (and hence will have 9 iGrids). It's imperative that I be able to pass an iGrid around else it will be a nightmare writing repetitive code.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do (just doing an initial setup - adding columns and setting some properties for all iGrids). However I always get a type mismatch error.
If I try something like

Dim ig as iGrid
Set ig = igAuds

that also fails.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
SetupIgrid igAuds, "File Name;140;Database ID;0;Computer;100;Workbook;100;UnitID;0"
End Sub

Sub SetupIgrid(ig As iGrid, columns As String)
ig.RowMode = True
ig.MultiSelect = True
ig.Appearance = igAppearanceFlat
ig.Editable = False
End Sub

I often pass iGrid objects as a reference to subs/function in Access 2010 VBA code. It works like this:

Dim ig as iGrid
Set ig = igAuds.Object 'use igAuds.Object instead of igAuds!!!
assuming 'igAuds' is the control on your form.
That way you will be even able to use IntelliSense.