ActiveX Grid Knowledge Base - Useful tips and recipes
Sticky New Posts Registering iGrid without admin rights86,994
especially useful for Office-solutions that don't come with an installer

Sticky New Posts ActiveX version iGrid7.0 - side by side assembly?5809
Using Side-by-Side execution (SxS) to make portable apps with iGrid
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Sticky New Posts Can't view iGrid CHM04,356
The contents of the iGrid CHM help isn't displayed

New Posts Making Combo list items unselectable1412
Grey out items in a dropdown list or making some items unselectable

New Posts Combo list items0265
Grey out items in a dropdown list or making some items unselectable

New Posts FactoryTalk View SE2801
Object variable or with block variable not set
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New Posts Unsafe activex control4545
error opening userform with activex
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New Posts igrid, escape key41,200
escape key lost

New Posts E:'TEMP'iGrid v7 Methods Properties and Events.pdf1962
Alphabetical listing of methods, properties & events for quick lookup

New Posts Editable text in Grid cells - Useful workarounds0822
Editable text in Grid cells can be made to work more consistently

New Posts how to detect editing31,160
How can i detect if the igrid is editing some cell

New Posts Help with RequestEdit Event21,503
Unbound igrid With SQL Updates
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