ActiveX Grid Knowledge Base - Useful tips and recipes
New Posts Syntax for using RequestEditCurCell11,302
What is syntax for using RequestEditCurCell
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New Posts iGrid ActiveX - Excel 2010 - Create 3 Equal Width Columns +121,914
Get control size in pixels in MS Word/Excel VBA UserForms

New Posts Grouping By Combo Box Columns12,038
Display combo box cell texts instead of their values in group rows

New Posts Combo box cells are empty after populating with FillFromRS83,665
Proper usage of the vItemValue argument of the ComboObject.AddItem method for ADODB fields

New Posts Switch between tree view and flat view23,829
Can I easily switch between hierarchical and flat view and sort the grid according to its view?
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New Posts Wrap text in cell33,793

New Posts extend/disable context menu +123,276
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New Posts iGrid on web page12,933
Using iGrid ActiveX on HTML/ASP pages
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