Oh, sorry - I misunderstood your question. Thought you do not have the ability to call regsvr32.exe because of absence of admin rights and need an alternative way to do this.
We've never built an SxS manifest file for the iGrid OCX. I've read the SxS guide for VB6 developers on VBForums. Looking at the guide, building an SxS manifest file for iGrid should be an easy task. Have you tried to do this? If you ever create such a file for iGrid OCX, may we ask you to publish it on this forum? This will be a good addition to the KB topics describing various ways of redistributing the iGrid OCX.
BTW, why do you want to use the SxS technology? If you worry about coexistence of different major/minor versions of iGrid on the same pc, this is not a problem for iGrid. Different versions of iGrid are implemented in separate files - for example, iGrid v6.5 is implemented in iGrid650_10Tec.OCX, iGrid v7.0 is in iGrid700_10Tec.OCX and so on. This allows you to use two different versions of iGrid in the same app or even on the same form.