When you redistribute the iGrid OCX with your app, you also need to register it in the Windows registry before your users can use your app with iGrid. This should be done for all ActiveX controls, not only for iGrid. The registration means that special records are made in the Windows registry so an application that is trying to use the ActiveX control can find it on the hard drive. When you installed the iGrid demo (which includes the OCX), the registration was done automatically in silent mode, but when you deploy your own app, you need to register all the used OCX's by yourself.

One of the possible solutions can be the following. You can always register an ActiveX control using the regsvr32.exe utility from Windows – you can find it in any version of MS Windows in the system folder (Windows\System32 in the 32-bit versions). The call should be the following:

regsvr32.exe <full_path_to_OCX>

You even do not need to specify the path to regsvr32 because it is located in the Windows system folder and will be found by Windows automatically. It can be a bat file your users or you launch when your app is deployed. It is enough to do that only once on the client's pc.

Note that you should launch this utility with the administrator rights. You should do that explicitly in such systems as Windows 7 or 8 as in these systems all executables are launched with the user rights even if you logged in as administrator. To do that, use the "Run as administrator" command from the context menu for a program or the command prompt window opened with the administrator rights.

If the control is registered successfully, a message box confirmation will be displayed. If you wish to avoid any message boxes, add the command line switch “/s” to that call.

Another option could be the use of an installation builder which allows to register the included ActiveX controls automatically. We have been using Inno Setup  for many years to build the iGrid demo installations, and we are fully satisfied with this tool. It allows to build installation packages which work in all versions of Windows - from old Windows 95 up to modern Windows 7, and these installations register our ActiveX controls without any problems on your computers. To tell the setup package that it needs to register an OCX, just specify the special 'regserver' flag like in this line of the iGrid demo setup script:

Source: ..\OCX\Demo\iGrid460_10Tec.ocx; DestDir: {app}\OCXs_and_Help; Flags: regserver
iGrid is a 32-bit OCX grid control. If you are using a 64-bit edition of Windows, there can be some issues related to regsvr32. The following article should help you to use the proper version of regsvr32 in a 64-bit Windows:


Here is the corresponding excerpt:


A 64-bit Windows system has two separate registries — one for 32-bit processes, and one for 64-bit processes. Therefore, when you register a DLL with regsvr32 — did you register the 32-bit DLL in the 32-bit registry, or did you register the 64-bit DLL in the 64-bit registry? You’ll need to get it right. When you run regsvr32 on an x64 system, you’re running the 64-bit version by default. (That’s a bit confusing because of the "32" in the regsvr32 name…) To run the 32-bit regsvr32, do this:

cd \windows\syswow64
regsvr32 c:\filename.dll

For a way to redistribute the control without admin rights, see the following topic on this forum:

Registering iGrid without admin rights