we've decided to implement the iGrid-ActivX into our project to display structured data in the tree-view-mode.
by this we have different type of data on different levels, e.g. on the first level we have persons with fields like name, firstname, birth date, what have you, and on the second level their associated addresses with field like adress, post code, town, ...
therefore we would love to have some cells (like the address field) to span multiple columns. thus a feature like rowspan and colspan as they exist in html-tables would be awesome!
we know there might be issues e.g. when sorting rows. but maybe this could be just led to the developer to care about. a reasonable additional property could be a boolean "span-if-non-empty" which decides if spanning occurs only if the adjacent cells is empty or in either case.
looking forward to your suggestions or a discussion about alternative solutions.
best regards,
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