WinForms Grid Knowledge Base - Useful tips and recipes
Sticky New Posts Deploying iGrid.NET v3+ for development without installing the demo35,863
iGrid is displayed in the non-visual component area of the form designer instead of main form

Sticky New Posts Export grid to PDF0659
Save iGrid.NET as PDF using PrintManager

Sticky New Posts Using iGrid.NET on a WPF form06,540

Sticky New Posts iGrid.NET on ASP.NET pages03,380

New Posts My github c# source code to create an Excel sheet from an iGrid0624
c# library to easily create an Excel sheet from an iGrid
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New Posts Code Review: Caching Cell Styles4561
Seeking opinions on code designed to cache cell styles to conserve RAM

New Posts Cell Image - how to display image from imagelist based on cell content21,063
display an image in a cell if the underlying date is within this week

New Posts RichTextCells Demo - extended01,098
An update on using RTF cells in iGrid.Net
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New Posts Cell image click11,751
How to detect whether the cell image is clicked

New Posts AutoFilterManager get and set filter / cols programmaticaly12,145
How to apply certain cols filter without using user interface?

New Posts Failed to create component 'iGrid'23,420
Can't place iGrid on form: COMException 0x804D745
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New Posts Password character23,223
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