  • kenzo
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I am stuck working in a scripting environment that only supports "late binding". in other words I can only instantiate active x objects via "createobject" syntax at runtime.

To do this I need to know the class name for the creatobject statement.

Are there any short examples of VBA script available that demonstrate how to instantiate Igrid and reference some of the properties and methods via VBA?

thank you!
The type library of the latest version of iGrid ActiveX is "iGrid500_10Tec", and the class name of the control is "iGrid". A code snippet based on the CreateObject function you asked for might look like this:

Dim objGrid As Object
Set objGrid = CreateObject("iGrid500_10Tec.iGrid")
objGrid.ColCount = 2
objGrid.RowCount = 5

, but I doubt it's enough to make it work.

iGrid is a VISUAL ACTIVEX CONTROL and it is not intended for usage only from code. To instantiate it properly, it must be created on a form, which implies additional operations done on initialization - such as setting the control' parent host, binding event handlers, etc.
  • kenzo
  • Newbie Topic Starter
thank you Igor, I expect you are correct, the technology I am using is called basicscript and the "forms" that the 3rd party app uses to host the basicscript are 70s technology.

Once I got the classname reference and could instantiate the grid, the form actually looked fairly humourous with parts of the grid showing up fairly randomly all over the window.

I'm tempted to deploy it just to see the look on the users face when they open the form :)
