hi, i'm trying igrid. currently i use vbalgrid. so in vbagrid i have the inEditMode method to detect if some cell is editing now. i use it in the form keydown event and detect if the user press ESCAPE, if nothing is in edit i close the form else i cancel the edit. how can i simulate this. thanks
iGrid does not have such a property, but you can use the value returned by the TextEditHwnd property to know whether iGrid is currently in edit mode. The value of this property is not zero if so.

The described method works only for text cells. In the general case, use another alternative solution. Set a Boolean flag that indicates editing in the RequestEdit event and then clear it in AfterCommitEdit and CancelEdit.
Originally Posted by: Igor/10Tec 

iGrid does not have such a property, but you can use the value returned by the TextEditHwnd property to know whether iGrid is currently in edit mode. The value of this property is not zero if so.

The described method works only for text cells. In the general case, use another alternative solution. Set a Boolean flag that indicates editing in the RequestEdit event and then clear it in AfterCommitEdit and CancelEdit.

thanks a lot. for to use this property solve my problem for a general propouse
We've implemented a new dedicated property for that in iGrid ActiveX 6.0 - IsEditing.