There is no direct way to retrieve the printed page number from the FilterRow event, but we can consider adding a parameter for this in the future iGrid updates. We will need to see whether it makes sense there because the FilterRow event is used to filter rows so that in the general case it may not be possible to determine the corresponding page number before a row is actually printed.
To implement what you need in the current version of iGrid, you can try to use the PrintPage event of the Document property of the iGPrintManager component. The Document object is an object of a descendant of the standard .NET
PrintDocument class, and it provides all standard events including
PrintPage . This event is raised after PrintManager finished printing of a next page, and you can increase your counter of printed pages in it to access this variable in your FilterRow event handler.
An alternative is to harness the existing CustomDrawPageHeader/CustomDrawPageFooter events of PrintManager for the same purpose (but do not draw anything in the event handler).