
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to freeze columns in iGrid.NET. I would like the first three columns to stay visible and let let rest be controlled by the scrollbar

iGrid1.FrozenArea.ColCount = 3;
Ron Brown
I need to freeze the last column.. how would I do this?
Do you need something like the footer section at the bottom, stuck to the grid's bottom edge?

Sorry, but the current release of iGrid allows you to have the frozen column band only at the left. But we have also already thought about having this "column footer" while implementing the footer for rows. Maybe, in future updates.
Ron Brown
Originally Posted by: Igor/10Tec 

Do you need something like the footer section at the bottom, stuck to the grid's bottom edge?

Sorry, but the current release of iGrid allows you to have the frozen column band only at the left. But we have also already thought about having this "column footer" while implementing the footer for rows. Maybe, in future updates.

Column footer is exactly what I am looking for.

what I am trying to do is something like this image:


Click to View Image178 View(s)

the first 3 columns and the last column are frozen.

It will be exciting to see in future updates.

meanwhile, I am thinking of using 2 grids. Is there a way to make 2 grids scroll together?

Ron Brown
Originally Posted by: Ron Brown 

meanwhile, I am thinking of using 2 grids. Is there a way to make 2 grids scroll together? ...


I figured it out. unless there is a better way, this works

First, I set this: (only need one Vscrollbar)

IGrid1.VScrollBar.Visibility = iGScrollBarVisibility.Hide

Private Sub IGrid2_VScrollBarScroll(sender As Object, e As iGScrollEventArgs) Handles IGrid2.VScrollBarValueChanged
    IGrid1.VScrollBar.Value = IGrid2.VScrollBar.Value
End Sub

Private Sub IGrid1_VScrollBarScroll(sender As Object, e As iGScrollEventArgs) Handles IGrid1.VScrollBarValueChanged
    IGrid2.VScrollBar.Value = IGrid1.VScrollBar.Value
End Sub