WinForms Grid Suggestions - Suggestions for the future versions of iGrid.NET
New Posts AutoFilterManager 11: a FilterApplying event?4659
Would be helpful a FilterApplying event

New Posts AutoFilterManager 11: customizing SaveFilterTo6369
Having the possibility of handling in a custom way the "Save Filter" option in the FilterBox

New Posts Ameliorations in footer totals [IMPLEMENTED]3563
More formatting options for footer cell values

New Posts Efficiently select a range of cells [IMPLEMENTED]2701
Efficiently select a range of cells

New Posts Close MultiColumn Dropdown List when clicking down arrow [IMPLEMENTED]5879
Close MultiColumn Dropdown List when clicking down arrow a second time (while it is open)

New Posts One more small suggestion [IMPLEMENTED]4422
Select Area with the mouse

New Posts SearchAsType - rows count4585
SearchAsType - rows count

New Posts IsCellPartClipped for headers [IMPLEMENTED]4826
IsCellPartClipped does not seem to be available for iGColHdr

New Posts Cell / Row / Column border color31,886
Specific Cell's border color / Row's border color

New Posts Support for Footer rows [IMPLEMENTED]11,840
How many others out there would like footer rows supported?
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