Per S Hildal

I am a new user of IGrid Active X control together with MS Access
I did find your example database that is bundled together with
the demo application and help files very useful to get a head start
of using Igrid and MS Access together.
But after have gone through your example database i wonder if u have any more
Access example databases with more sophisticated use of IGrid.

So to replace a continuous form or a datasheet in Ms access we often
need to replace some of the inbuilt functionality that exist in Access.

Then to have a test database with more examples would be a great help to get kick started :-)

Typical question :

1. In my case i work up against MS SQL server and not the Jet database how insert in a SQL table with a Primary Key with identity increment.
2. The use of Combos linked to a relational table where we insert the Key ID but show the Text field from the table
3. Hide columns in the Grid but have the values available.


When you install the iGrid demo, the full VB6 source code for the executable demonstration is also installed, and you can view it without installing Visual Basic IDE. The source code of the forms is stored in the .frm files which can be viewed in any text editor like Notepad. Yes, it's VB6, but you can use most of the ideas in MS Access too as it is almost the same Visual Basic.

That's why we do not provide a set of full-featured samples for MS Access - just not to duplicate the existing code. However, if you think we need to implement some good conceptual samples for MS Access, let us know. Perhaps, it will be a good addition to the online library of extra samples for our ActiveX grid control: 
Per S Hildal

Hello Igor

Thanks for the reply Igor.
One of the reason for choosing IGrid is that we want to replace some continuous forms
and datasheet with IGrid with the possibility to read / write and delete records
in the database. By that it would have been easier to start this task if we had
direct examples to guide us on to that.
Using VB6 who is closely related to VBA is all good and we can easy implement that
into Access.
But more direct examples covering the basic regarding editing the record's
would have been even better.
So my idea is not taking all the example over in VBA but the basic's making IGrid a direct
replacement to Cont. forms and datasheet.
And then the users can pick from the VB library whatever other functionality they want.
So adding some more examples in the test database would have done it for me :-)