I'm having a problem displaying check boxes for a column on the activex iGrid.
I'm using MS Access 2010 32 bit
The checkbox doesn't display.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, it seems to ignore everything except for the row count and adding columns and headers for text columns
grdAddlInsureds.RowCount = 3
grdAddlInsureds.GridlineColor = RGB(255, 192, 255)
grdAddlInsureds.CellCheckGap = 5
grdAddlInsureds.AddCol sKey:="AddlEndorse", sHeader:="Additional Insured Endorsements", lWidth:=180
grdAddlInsureds.AddCol sKey:="Charge", sHeader:="Charge", lWidth:=60
With grdAddlInsureds.AddCol(sKey:="is_Select", sHeader:="Select", lWidth:=80)
.bCheckVisible = True
.eCheckPos = igCheckPosTop
.eAlignH = igAlignHCenter
.vValue = "Test"
End With
SaveSetting "grdAddlInsureds", "Layout", "Columns", grdAddlInsureds.LayoutCol
Edited by moderator
Reason: Igor/10Tec: Added code formatting