  • Vikas
  • Newbie Topic Starter
hello sir,

i have installed the demo of iGrid Activex Control. but when i am going to use this control in my project it is not showing in the list of Activex Controls in Access 2007.
It shows only 10tec Image Control. is there any other method to use this control in Access 2007?
Pleas reply. i couldn't go further due to this.

please see attached image.
Vikas attached the following image(s):
  • Vikas
  • Newbie Topic Starter
is there anybody who can solve this problem please?
I do not use iGrid in Access2007 - but I tried to comprehend your subject: I can see every single iGrid version in my ActiveX-Control-List. I would try to re-install iGrid or try to register the control manually with regsvr32.exe
Have you read this sticky topic?:

Redistributing the iGrid OCX / Registering in the Windows registry 

If you cannot see the iGrid control record in the list of available controls, that means the control isn't registered properly in the Windows registry. Try the recipe from the topic above, and tell us whether it helped.
  • Vikas
  • Newbie Topic Starter
thanks for your reply Doumis & IgorK,

I have tried regsvr32 also but it couldn't shown in the Activex Control List.
also I have installed iGrid demo version and it works fine in VB6.
Originally Posted by: Vikas 

I have tried regsvr32 also but it couldn't shown in the Activex Control List.

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MS Access displays not all ActiveX controls in its list - that's true (see for instance this MS KB174964 article ), but iGrid ActiveX can be definitely used in MS Access.

Can you try to use iGrid on another pc with MS Office and tell us whether you have the same problem?