Customers and Reviews

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10Tec products are used by thousands of companies and personal developers from all over the world to build software for their own use and for sale. These are banks, educational institutions, state and military agencies, large business companies, healthcare institutions, IT giants and hardware manufacturers. Among them are:

Audi Performance and RacingAvonIBM
Via SystemsSilicon GraphicsIntel
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Customer reviews

iGrid is fantastic! It is incredibly feature rich, which to me is the most important factor when purchasing a development tool. Not only that, but it is very easy to implement in projects, and the pricetag is very reasonable, especially when compared to similar tools competitors offer. Add to this the responsiveness of the support team and you have a winner!

I originally found you from your google ads when searching on Google for something like "c# .net datagrid". There were several things I liked about your product, but I'll name the main selling points. First of all, I couldn't find any way to accidentally throw unhandled exceptions in design mode without even touching the code in the code editor (which I can't say of all such products). Second, the syntax for doing most tasks was straightforward and easy to learn. Last, your product had very excellent sample code.

We examined many .NET grid controls but didn't like the way most of them required Datasets, were memory inefficient and none of them were an easy replacement. After finding 10Tec's iGrid.NET control our decision was very easy. It is extremely easy to use, very well thought out and documented and the conversion went without a single problem. More time was spent removing the previous control than implementing this one!

We started with iGrid in 2002 after getting no response from the vbAccelerator SGrid developer about lacking features. 10Tec implemented suggested features from several users, including ourselves, and grew iGrid into a very worthwhile ListView/Datagrid replacement. It's been improved constantly since it branched off from SGrid and we look forward to many great future enhancements. iGrid is also well-supported and is at the core of all our products. Our software wouldn't be possible without iGrid.

We appreciate many properties of iGrid, sort, group. It's a great tool and we use it wherever possible - in every form. A lack of the grid would mean the collapse of our entire development. We completely rely on this grid.

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