  • vpray
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I've searched this forum, iGrid help, iGrid settings, and Googled it. It's probably some small setting I'm missing. I can't get the header section in iGrid to print.
xpstyle is off, it's "flat", and I use a blue backcolor with white text. It's like the header is transparent or invisible on print/print preview - I can see the grid's background color in place of the Header. Header shows fine on screen.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Forgot to add, I'm using ActiveX iGrid (love it!) on various MS Access 2010 forms, Win7 pro sp1 64bit.
Thanks all!
It's a specific problem of MS Access. We use the native Microsoft Header control from the very OS as the iGrid header - what you can see in other system apps like the Explorer. MS Access uses its own code to make a snapshot of controls, and it seems it fails for ActiveX controls. Unfortunately, we can't fix that as it is on the MS Access side.