ActiveX Grid Suggestions - Suggestions for the future versions of iGrid ActiveX
New Posts Add Custom Items to Built-in Context Menu [IMPLEMENTED]32,310
Is it possible to extend the built-in context menu (VBA)

New Posts Custom column header context menu [IMPLEMENTED]42,662
Word cannot access macros attached to custom context menu items

New Posts Transfer cell color information from iGrid to Excel [IMPLEMENTED]81,140
Retrieve effective cell colors (CellDynamicFormatting event used)

New Posts rowspan and colspan11,279
cell-properties to span multiple rows/columns

New Posts Incremental Search: Find the Next Match [IMPLEMENTED]21,848
Find the next match using a special key

New Posts Does iGrid do RTF? [IMPLEMENTED AS EXTRA SAMPLE]11,656
Can I present blocks of rich text in iGrid?

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