Microsoft Access Section - Questions specific for MS Access only

New Posts Problem with SUM recalculation81,049
After change cell in Check Boxes column iGrid dasn`t recalculate after new grouping

New Posts Issue when no internet2706
Small app has issues when no internet

New Posts Access and igCellTextCombo Crash51,074
Access crushes when combobox is dropping down.

New Posts Flickering due to iGrid redraw in MS Access (combo box cells, ...)98,908
iGrid flickers using combobox cells or if an image on an MS Access form is being changed

New Posts MS Access check box on iGrid11,130
Having problems displaying check boxes in MS Access 2010

New Posts How i can use iGrid in MS Access 2010 Database with forms334,460 
1 2
i want to use MS Access 2010 DataBase with iGrid on MS Access 2010 programmatically.

New Posts Refreshing a recordset in Access1799
How do I force the iGrid in Access to refresh on the screen

New Posts ActiveX Access 2013 VBA - Capture Cell Value On Click1748
Capturing Cell Value On Click To Reuse In VBA

New Posts Header section won't print1899
Grid prints fine, everything but Header

New Posts from data igrid to a access database21,858
please give me examples of how o write the igrid contents to my Access database

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