Main Features of DocMounter

Our DocMounter allows you to perform the following tasks:

  1. Write all standard .NET documentation sections for classes and their members: summary, remarks, example, see also, exceptions.
  2. Add standard XML documentation tags, such as <see>, <code>, <list> and <table>, using a handy visual Insert Tag dialog.
  3. Create conceptual topics that are not related to a particular class or its member using the same set of documentation tags for the classes and their members.
  4. Control the order and hierarchy of conceptual topics in your project, i.e. define the table of contents of the conceptual part in the help file.
  5. View and edit the source of your topics in an editor that supports syntax highlighting, spell checking, and code folding.
  6. Generate XML documentation files in the standard Microsoft Visual Studio format (full version or only summaries).
  7. Export conceptual topics to a manual in the HTML format. This file can be converted into a PDF or another format for printing.

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