iGrid Control - Compatibility

Supported Windows versions

iGrid is fully compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit releases of Microsoft Windows. It was tested and works well both in all client and server editions of Windows, starting from Windows 95 or Windows Server NT4 and up to Windows 11 or Windows Server 2022, respectively.

32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures

iGrid is provided in 2 editions - the Classic Edition and Modern Edition.

The Classic Edition is developed in Visual Basic 6 and is provided only as a 32-bit OCX. It can be used only in 32-bit applications, though they work well in all 64-bit versions of Windows. This edition requires the VB6 run-time support library (MSVBVM60.DLL) which is supplied with Windows and Microsoft Office.

The Modern Edition is developed in twinBASIC and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit processor architectures. No external libraries are required to use the 32-bit and 64-bit OCXs of the Modern Edition of iGrid.

Native OS features support

iGrid widely uses native Windows API calls and COM interfaces to maximize performance and provide the best user experience on the Windows platform, such as rendering iGrid parts with the OS visual styles and Unicode support.

High-resolution screen support

If iGrid is hosted in an application that supports high-resolution screens like 4K UltraHD monitors, it automatically resizes its main controls (scroll bars, tree buttons, etc.) and sets the default row height for comfortable usage on such displays. Good examples of high DPI aware applications in which iGrid is often used are Access, Excel and Word from Microsoft Office.

Compatibility with development environments

Visual Basic 6

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 is the ideal development environment to use all features of iGrid ActiveX.

Microsoft Office VBA

Another development environment allowing you to unleash the full potential of the product is Microsoft Office. iGrid is being constantly tested and successfully used in Visual Basic for Applications from Microsoft Office since the times of Microsoft Office 97. Microsoft UserForms in Word/Excel VBA and Microsoft Access forms are excellent host platforms to use the features of iGrid ActiveX.

The only feature that is not available in VBA UserForms because of its architecture is the ScrollBarThicknessChanged event of iGrid. Fortunately, this event is used very rarely - only if you are developing an application that should respond to changes in scroll bar thickness in the OS.


twinBASIC is a new development environment that provides backward compatibility with existing VB6/VBA code and offers significant improvements over Visual Basic 6. As such, it is also an excellent development environment to develop applications with iGrid ActiveX - both for 32-bit and 64-bit CPU architectures.

Other development environments

iGrid is compiled as a full-featured ActiveX control and in theory it can be used in any development environment that supports ActiveX controls. However, as requests to our support team show, not all development environments fully support all features of the ActiveX standard or COM technology. Because of this we recommend that you test iGrid thoroughly in your development environment before buying the product.

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