What iGrid Can Do
General Features
- Simple Cell Matrix
iGrid is a cell matrix, and you just need to define the number of columns and rows to start to work with it. - Storing Values of Any Types
iGrid cells can store values of any available type, and you can even store values of different types in the same column simply assigning them to the required cell values! - Full Unicode Support on Windows NT Platform
iGrid can display and edit Unicode text without any restrictions on all Windows NT systems (NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7, etc). - Windows Visual Styles Support
If your app uses visual styles in such systems as Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, iGrid is automatically drawn using the current visual style (can be optionally disabled). - Built-in Cell and Column Header Tooltips
If a cell or column header text is clipped by the boundaries, or it is partially visible because of the iGrid edges, a built-in tooltip appears to display the full text. - Numerous Sort Options
The data can be sorted as case-sensitive or case-insensitive strings, by fonts, colors, images, etc. Plus you can implement custom sorting rules. - Automatic Grouping
You can group the cell values by any available sort criteria through the visual interface or in code. - Tree Structure Support
One of the columns can be set as a tree allowing you to have a multi-column TreeView. - Column Header and Cell Images
You can use separate sets of icons of different sizes for grid cells and as icons in the header. Up to 15 different image lists can be used in the cell area. iGrid supports MS Common Controls ImageList, vbAccelerator ImageList or any other Windows image list. - Super Fast Dynamic Formatting
You can format your cells (change their colors, fonts, etc) on the fly without performance loss even in huge grids with 100'000 rows! - Virtual Mode
In virtual mode, iGrid will request new rows whenever they need to be displayed. This allows you to add rows as they are required.
Special Features
- Fully Customizable Scroll Bars
Scroll bars implemented using true API scroll bars, and support normal 3D, flat or "Encarta" (like in Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia) styles. They can be always visible or hidden, enabled or disabled independently from each other. - Outlook View
Row text cells allow you to have rows of a special structure like message preview in MS Outlook. - Grid lines
The vertical and/or horizontal grid lines can be optionally hidden; they can be also extended outside the cell area to cover all empty space. The color of the grid lines can be adjusted. - Background Bitmap
iGrid will tile a standard VB Picture object behind the grid.
Work Modes
- Read-only and Disabled Modes
The grid can be set as disabled or only for viewing cells. - Selection Modes and Alpha-blend Selection
You can have multiple or single selections, and this property can be set either at run-time or design-time. You can use semi-transparent alpha-blend selection in the latest versions of OS. - Row Mode
iGrid works either as a standard grid, where you can individually highlight each cell, or as a row-based grid, where you can highlight whole rows.
Row Features
- Add, insert or remove rows.
- Show/hide rows to allow filtering options.
- Row height can be set independently for each row, or automatically calculated based on the contents of the cells.
- Rows can be manually set to be group rows (when this is set, such a row extends across all of the cells - exactly like the group rows created during automatic grouping).
- Super fast access to rows by optional string keys (even in grids with 10'000+ rows).
- iGrid can theoretically accommodate up to 2 billion rows.
Column Features
- Add, insert or remove columns.
- Columns can be visible or invisible.
- Drag-drop columns to reorder them. Individual columns can be set as non-draggable.
- Get/set the order of the columns in code.
- Set column width independently for each column, or have it automatically calculated based on the contents of the cells.
- Easy access to columns by optional string keys instead of numeric indices which makes your code much more understandable and easier to support.
- iGrid can theoretically accommodate up to 2 billion columns.
- Set background and foreground colors on a cell by cell basis.
- Each cell can have its own font, vertical/horizontal alignment and other format options (singleline or multiline text, ellipsis to fit the cell text within the cell boundaries, etc).
- Each cell can display an icon and additional icon (extra icon) of different sizes.
- You can specify the icon(s) placement against to cell text (left, top, right or bottom).
- Cell icons can optionally be highlighted when selected.
- Individual left/top/right/bottom cell contents indents.
- Cells can be included or excluded from the selection box for a row.
Header Features
- The header can have its own font (which is different from the grid's main font).
- Column headers can be clickable or not.
- Column headers can have the standard 3D or flat view, or use the visual style from the OS (the default option in all systems starting from Windows XP).
- Each column header can have text and/or icon.
- Text in column headers can be aligned horizontally and vertically, can have multiple lines and be formatted using many options available for cells.
- You can use the built-in hot-tracking effect (and optionally disable it) and process such events as MouseEnter/MouseLeave, right mouse clicks, etc for individual column headers and the entire header area.
Built-in Cell Editing Abilities
- Singleline and multiline text editing. Optional scroll bars while editing cell text which is bigger than the cell boundaries.
- Automatic conversion of entered text to the type of the cell data.
- The built-in combo box editing ability. The combo box items can have icons automatically linked to the cells.
- Automatic adjustment of the drop-down list width based on the longest combo box item width.
- Built-in check box cells. The check boxes can be two-state or three-state.
- Events for the full control of the editing process (RequestEdit, BeforeCommitEdit, AfterCommitEdit, CancelEdit, etc).