10Tec WinForms Grid: High DPI and Tablet Support

(iGrid.NET Control Tour, Step 3 of 9)

Microsoft implemented High DPI support in Windows Forms with the release of the .NET Framework 4.7. 10Tec WinForms grid also provides numerous features and improvements in the latest releases aimed to providing crisp UI on modern high-resolution screens:

iGrid.NET X: WinForms grid with high DPI and tablet support

The picture above shows the special DPI-aware demo of iGrid.NET displayed on a 4K UltraHD monitor. The main form of the demo at the top left demonstrates that all iGrid UI elements (column headers, sort icons and sort numbers, cell check boxes and combo buttons, scroll bars, etc.) are drawn using the native 4K resolution. This drawing is performed automatically when you enable high DPI support in the .NET app.

The other forms on the screenshot demonstrate various options allowing you to change the size of iGrid UI elements dynamically for convenient use on tablets. Among them are:

  • The ability to increase the size of elementary cell controls like combo buttons to make them easily clickable with fingers.
  • The ability to change the thickness of the horizontal and vertical scroll bars for the same purposes.
  • Adjustable empty space around column headers in the group box.

You can also adjust the internal margins in iGrid cells and grid line thickness. And what you do not see on the screenshot above but what does also work when iGrid is on a touch screen or tablet is scrolling with fingers.

Pay attention to the fact that the high DPI support and tablet-specific features can be used independently from each other. You can even benefit from these features on traditional 96 dpi non-touch screens. For example, you can make iGrid UI elements bigger for people with visual impairments, or simply adjust sizes of UI elements and space between them for a better look and comfortable usage. But all these features work together in a great combination on modern tablets equipped with high-resolution screens as well.

10Tec DataGrid column header features »