News Archive - 2017
Autumn update of iGrid ActiveX (v6.5.80)
This update of our ActiveX grid control brings two new experimental features and fixes some serious problems mainly related to combo box cells. The comprehensive What's New file supplied with the grid control describes all the changes in details.
The help file for iGrid has been also updated. The updated versions of some topics contain more detailed descriptions of the corresponding iGrid members and coding techniques.
xDir update available
This service update for 10Tec xDir ActiveX Library fixes one problem related to enumeration of files and folders in UNC style paths (\\server\share).
New and updated extra samples for iGrid.NET
Two new samples were added to the extra samples library for iGrid.NET. The first sample, CheckBoxIconTree, demonstrates how to implement a TreeListView with icons and checkboxes to select multiple rows:
The second new sample, Drop-Down Calendar with Date Ranges, provides you with a ready-to-use class that implements a drop-down calendar editor with the ability to limit the date selection range.
The earlier implemented Backup Manager sample was enhanced. Now it can be also used to back up and restore the contents of tree grids, including the expansion state of every tree node.
10Tec version of vbAccelerator ImageList supports PNG files
The new version 2.5 of vbAccelerator ImageList we support is available. The most significant enhancement in this release is the ability to upload 32-bit PNG files with translucency into this image list ActiveX control. You can do this both at design time using the property page of the control and at run time using the new AddFromPNG method. The design-time part of the control has been also updated to support high-resolution screens.
iGrid ActiveX service update available (v6.5.72)
The first service update for iGrid ActiveX 6.5 has been released. The latest build improves the copy-paste functionality in multi-select mode, enhances the tree sort algorithm, and adds support for high-resolution screens in the LayoutCol property. Two critical bugs related to cell editing and other minor bugs revealed since the v6.5 was published have been fixed.
You can find the detailed description of every change and improvement in the What's New file for the grid control. The help file for iGrid has been also enhanced by new topics and minor corrections of found issues. works through HTTPS now
Google and other leaders of the web want to make it more secure as users expect this. We also took a step in this direction, and now every resource on this website is transported to your browser through a secure HTTP connection. All your user data passed to the server (forum login/password and the like) are also secured using an SSL certificate with a 2048-bit encryption key, as it is recommended by Google.
The 10Tec website has been tested in the new secure environment thoroughly by us and it should continue to work well. However, if you find any issues with using our website through HTTPS, let us know.
Interface and code enhancements in OCX Updater
Our OCX Updater tool, which automates the process of ActiveX control replacements in VB6 projects, was updated. The minor changes in this update are mainly related to polished source code and interface enhancements, such as visual styles support in the latest versions of the OS:
This VB6 project references update tool is also redistributed with the used Microsoft TipeLib Information Objects library (TlbInf32.dll), which may be missing in the latest versions of Windows. Now you can download TlbInf32.dll together with the OCX Updater binaries and source code in one package.
iGrid ActiveX 6.5: focus on performance improvements and shorter code
A big and significant update for our ActiveX grid control is available. The new version of iGrid contains many performance improvements for existing methods and introduces new methods allowing you to perform some traditional tasks much faster with less code. Among the new members you will also find new cell properties and events.
This version fixes about a dozen of revealed bugs and increases the robustness of the control. Some changes and fixes are especially noticeable in Microsoft Access and enhances the overall user experience with the grid control in this development environment.
The help file for the product was redesigned and greatly enhanced with new topics and code samples. This update of iGrid is a "must have" update for all developers actively using it.
As always, all the changes are described in details in the comprehensive What's New document supplied with the control.
iGrid.NET 5.0.15 out
A service update for 10Tec iGrid.NET grid control was published. It fixes 3 minor bugs revealed by customers.
This updated has been also successfully tested for compatibility with the release version of Visual Studio 2017 published recently by Microsoft. The product demo installation was updated to support the latest version of Visual Studio as well.
MultiSelect DropDown Editor sample for iGrid.NET
The online library of extra samples for iGrid.NET was supplemented with a new useful sample named MultiSelect DropDown Editor. This sample contains a ready-to-use class you can use in your applications to provide your users with the ability to select multiple items from a predefine list in combo box cells:
As always, the full source code in VB.NET and C# is provided, and it can be used to modify the behavior of the editor if required.