News Archive - 2021

iGrid ActiveX 7.5 SP2 with Windows 11 support released
Meet a big update of our ActiveX grid control, v7.5 build 20.
The first important improvement in this release is the support for the new visual styles when the control is used in Windows 11. Microsoft added translucency and rounded corners to many interface elements in the newest update of the OS, and we updated the drawing code of iGrid ActiveX to support all these new visual effects inside our grid control as well.
ActiveX grid with Windows 11 visual styles support
Among other improvements you will find updates in the group row drawing code. They provide a complete and more appealing look of group rows, especially if the background of a group row is not filled with a color or the color of grid lines is set to a non-standard dark color.
Detailed information about all improvements and bug fixes in this update can be found in the What’s New document for the product.
The demo applications for the product were also significantly updated. The first kind of improvements are visual improvements related to the iGrid look. Its border, cell selection color and focus rectangle were changed to correspond to the new visual styles in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The other kind of improvements are functional improvements to better demonstrate the iGrid functionality, such as enhanced drawing code for group rows or the use of iGrid as a replacement for a check list box control.
The help file for iGrid was amended as well to better describe basic concepts like built-in grouping and other members of iGrid.
iGrid.NET Demo now supports VS 2022
Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 is out, and we also modified the demo installer of our WinForms grid to support this new 64-bit development environment. Now iGrid.NET can be used at design time in VS 2022. 10Tec Help Viewer with the full electronic help system for iGrid.NET can be integrated into the latest Visual Studio to be used as the F1 context help as well.
10Tec iGrid.NET 10.0.30 released
A new build of our WinForms grid control was published. The search-as-type window was enhanced in this build to better correspond to the modern visual style of iGrid.NET X and to support high-resolution screens:
Updated search window in 10Tec WinForms grid (high dpi support)
The latest build contains fixes for 3 revealed bugs in the core grid control and printing functionality. To find out more, read the updated What's New file:
10Tec Help Viewer for iGrid.NET help packages
Today we are proud to present our new tool to work with the iGrid.NET electronic documentation. This utility called 10Tec Help Viewer is a tool to browse iGrid.NET mshc help files in the modern Microsoft Help Viewer format (MSHelp3):
10Tec help viewer utility for mshc (MSHelp3) help files
The main benefit provided by this tool is the ability to work with the iGrid.NET help files without installing the Microsoft Help Viewer app supplied with Visual Studio. Moreover, 10Tec Help Viewer can be used even if you do not have Visual Studio installed on your pc.
The tool is deployed by the updated demo installer for iGrid.NET X. You can optionally assign it as the F1 key handler in Visual Studio code editor to display context-sensitive help for iGrid members.
10Tec Help Viewer is a lightweight portable app. It is also included into all zip packages with mshc help files for iGrid.NET 3.0 – X you can find on this website. Now you can start using the full iGrid.NET help files immediately after downloading or copy them to any pc. No installation procedure is required!
Help packages for iGrid.NET X and iGrid.NET 6 updated
With the release of 10Tec Help Viewer we also amended the full electronic documentation for the latest iGrid.NET and its previous major version. The updated help packages contain fixes for all revealed problems, including missing hyperlinks to the external Microsoft documentation. You can download these mshc help packages to update them in Microsoft Help Viewer or browse them with the new 10Tec Help Viewer app included into the zip archives.
iGrid.NET Demo: new design and compatibility with .NET 5
Today we release a significant update of our iGrid.NET demo. The first important point in this update is full compatibility with .NET 5 and the binaries of iGrid.NET DLLs included into the setup package. The second significant change is a redesigned layout of all sample forms with a new common toolbar at the top of every form:
Updated WinForms grid sample forms in .NET 5
You can discover other numerous changes in the samples when you launch the new demo (portable versions for .NET Framework and .NET 5 are available as well). Read the What's New document for the demo and visit the Download page to download the updated iGrid.NET demo.
iGrid ActiveX 7.5 SP1 (build 0004) available
The first service pack for iGrid ActiveX 7.5 fixes 3 bugs revealed since the release. One of the serious issues addressed in this build is disappearing of iGrid rows from the viewport after grouping. Another critical bug fixed in this update is iGrid crash while the user is doing drag select. We strongly recommend that you update iGrid ActiveX to this latest version to avoid any problems in your apps.
Enhancements in AutoFilterManager add-on for iGrid.NET (v10.0.24)
Meet an update for the autofilter functionality for 10Tec WinForms grid control. The first enhancement is the lightweight filter buttons which are no longer drawn with button borders if the mouse pointer is not over them. This corresponds to the concept of the lightweight UI introduced in iGrid.NET X:
Lightweight filter button in WinForms grid autofilter
The second important change in this release is the enhanced support for the Windows Forms designer providing better automatic resource cleaning to avoid memory leaks. Please, read carefully the What's New to find out more about this:
iGrid.NET demo and help file updated
The demo of our WinForms grid product was updated. Some samples were significantly changed to demonstrate features introduced in the latest releases of iGrid.NET. One of these samples is the full-featured My Customers sample, which now outputs group row totals in normal cells in corresponding columns and uses the footer section as grand total. Another greatly redesigned sample named Right-to-Left Mode shows how to localize the grid UI and how to force left-to-right layout for individual cells while the whole grid works in right-to-left mode. You will find functionality improvements and modern 32-bit icons in other samples.
WinForms grid Right-to-Left mode sample
The latest update of Visual Studio, version 16.8.4, brings a problem that causes delays up to 10 seconds while opening pages from the local iGrid.NET help system. The updated help package for iGrid.NET no longer suffers from this problem. It is included into the updated demo installation or can be downloaded separately from the Download section.